Schein's model
Shcein model defines organizational culture as the deepest and strongest aspect of organization life. The culture has three cognitive levels which one can measure. The first level is where the organizational attributes that can be seen, felt and heard by the uninitiated observer – this level includes – behavior, colors, furnishings, recognition. The attributes can be measured by observation of anyone that meets the culture. The next level is about the professed culture of the organization members – this level includes – slogans, flyers, lists, statements. One can measure there by interviews and reading papers of the organization. The last and deepest level is where lays the organization's tacit assumptions – these elements are unseen, subconscious, the 'unspoken rules' of the organization. To find out those tacit assumptions, one needs to discover the in-depth of the organization by deep observation and interpretation of an expert. Shein's model gives an opportunity to measure these levels and to compare the links between them. if the links are strongs then there is a strong organizational culture.
Problems with the model
First problem – It is not really clear what is the difference between the professed culture and the tacit assumptions. It is hard to define when some kind of professed culture becomes a tacit assumption. For example, principle of discipline could be professed or tacit. Moreover, the saying that the tacit assumptions cannot be examined by interviews and questionnaires gives too much credit to the investigator to decide what he sees.Second problem – the term of organizational attributes is too vague and general. It includes almost everything that happens in the organization – from a smile to the color of a desk. By being too wide this term loses its power.
Bagi mengatasi halangan-halangan proses perubahan tersebut, Lewin ( dalam Owens, 1995 ) telah mengemukakan model ‘A three-step change process’. Model ini telah diperkembangkan oleh Edgar H.Schein dan lain-lainnya, ternyata sesuai digunakan untuk individu, kumpulan ataupun seluruh bahagian organisasi.
Model Tiga Langkah ini melibatkan tindakan ‘ pencairan ’( unfreeze ) pola perilaku yang ada, ‘ pengubahan ’( moving ) atau mengasaskan pola perilaku yang baru, dan kemudian ‘ pembekuan semula’ ( freeze ) atau menguatkuasakan perilaku yang baru. Antara rasional langkah-langkah tersebut ialah :
Pencairan :
Pencairan melibatkan tindakan menjadikan keperluan bagi perubahanbegitu ketara sehinggakan individu,kumpulan, atau organisasi dapat melihat atau menerimanya dengan baik.
Pengubahan :
Pengubahan memerlukan seseorang agen perubahan yang terlatih untuk memupuk nilai, sikap dan perilaku yang baru melalui proses-proses pengenalpastian dan penjiwaan . Para anggota organisasi mengenalpasti nilai, sikap, dan perilaku yang dibawa oleh agen perubahan, dan menjiwainya apabila mereka telah melihat keberkesanan prestasinya.
Pembekuan semula :
Pembekuan semula bererti memantapkan pola perilaku yang baru itu dengan bantuan alat-alat sokongan, supaya ia menjadi norma yang baru.
Rajah : Proses ‘A Three Step Change’
( Sumber : Robert G. Owens –Organizational Behavior In Education ,1995 )
Schein's model
Shcein model defines organizational culture as the deepest and strongest aspect of organization life. The culture has three cognitive levels which one can measure. The first level is where the organizational attributes that can be seen, felt and heard by the uninitiated observer – this level includes – behavior, colors, furnishings, recognition. The attributes can be measured by observation of anyone that meets the culture. The next level is about the professed culture of the organization members – this level includes – slogans, flyers, lists, statements. One can measure there by interviews and reading papers of the organization. The last and deepest level is where lays the organization's tacit assumptions – these elements are unseen, subconscious, the 'unspoken rules' of the organization. To find out those tacit assumptions, one needs to discover the in-depth of the organization by deep observation and interpretation of an expert. Shein's model gives an opportunity to measure these levels and to compare the links between them. if the links are strongs then there is a strong organizational culture.
Problems with the model
First problem – It is not really clear what is the difference between the professed culture and the tacit assumptions. It is hard to define when some kind of professed culture becomes a tacit assumption. For example, principle of discipline could be professed or tacit. Moreover, the saying that the tacit assumptions cannot be examined by interviews and questionnaires gives too much credit to the investigator to decide what he sees.Second problem – the term of organizational attributes is too vague and general. It includes almost everything that happens in the organization – from a smile to the color of a desk. By being too wide this term loses its power.
Bagi mengatasi halangan-halangan proses perubahan tersebut, Lewin ( dalam Owens, 1995 ) telah mengemukakan model ‘A three-step change process’. Model ini telah diperkembangkan oleh Edgar H.Schein dan lain-lainnya, ternyata sesuai digunakan untuk individu, kumpulan ataupun seluruh bahagian organisasi.
Model Tiga Langkah ini melibatkan tindakan ‘ pencairan ’( unfreeze ) pola perilaku yang ada, ‘ pengubahan ’( moving ) atau mengasaskan pola perilaku yang baru, dan kemudian ‘ pembekuan semula’ ( freeze ) atau menguatkuasakan perilaku yang baru. Antara rasional langkah-langkah tersebut ialah :
Pencairan :
Pencairan melibatkan tindakan menjadikan keperluan bagi perubahanbegitu ketara sehinggakan individu,kumpulan, atau organisasi dapat melihat atau menerimanya dengan baik.
Pengubahan :
Pengubahan memerlukan seseorang agen perubahan yang terlatih untuk memupuk nilai, sikap dan perilaku yang baru melalui proses-proses pengenalpastian dan penjiwaan . Para anggota organisasi mengenalpasti nilai, sikap, dan perilaku yang dibawa oleh agen perubahan, dan menjiwainya apabila mereka telah melihat keberkesanan prestasinya.
Pembekuan semula :
Pembekuan semula bererti memantapkan pola perilaku yang baru itu dengan bantuan alat-alat sokongan, supaya ia menjadi norma yang baru.
Rajah : Proses ‘A Three Step Change’
( Sumber : Robert G. Owens –Organizational Behavior In Education ,1995 )
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